Thursday, May 26, 2022

Life Is Not About Seeking Pleasure - Finding Contentment

(This is a transcript of my You Tube Video)

Like most of my Articles and Videos, this one requires yourself to quietly and carefully read. To slowly digest this important message within your depth of Self. Enabling a complete understanding. 
The Video is at the end.

We will never understand our life unless we Stop & Think.

And be mindfully focused to generate something creative in our life. We are then entering our power of thought, accessing our mindfulness of Self-awareness and intention, and entering the essence of Our-Self, our life’s vision. We are providing purpose in our life and gain the wisdom about our core Self.

This gives us benign contentment and creates personal fulfillment within our life. Reaching the depths of our soul and developing a peaceful Self. We then begin to understand ourselves, our feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. We find a purpose for our life.

All this is separate from the Futility of Superficial Societal Expectations.

To experience these feelings within, it is necessary to Stop and Think, and listen to and experience your body and mind’s unified internal communication. Spending time in quiet reflection, reaches your state of Personal Peace. Entering your inner world of personal divinity is connected to Nature. Your mind is designed to dream, to create, and to feel fulfilled. This is your natural source of energy.

I know this because this is what I feel and experience and live within my life.

Life is not about seeking pleasure.

But rather, gaining a life of contentment.

From here we can stop and think and develop our sense of pleasure, from our contentment

Because we feel fulfilled from gently being creative in our life.

We are developing our life and developing our purpose in life.

We are also changing our life to develop our true essence of Self.

For many years I pragmatically studied Life and wrote about my experiences. Eventually this led to creating videos of my thoughts and experiences. Thoughts and experiences that developed my life of contentment.

A very important part of your self-development is to study, and reach a state of understanding, of how your body and brain operates, and how they communicate together. This gives you self-Awareness.

You can then construct this information within your relationship with society life and develop yourself within your confines of self-awareness.

And not societal restraints.

You become coherent with this knowledge, and embrace life differently. It is a life of profound intimate knowledge. Enabling your personal change.

Eventuating in finding your personal peace.

If we determine our existence from the narrow viewpoint of what we see in society. We never reach our higher state of existence.

We create a fractured entity.

We never reach Personal Contentment.

Fulfillment then Becomes elusive.

We just exist within a life of Mundane Mediocrity. A life of Narrow Perceptions, and never reach our Self Potential. We never understand what Life really is.

I stopped and I thought, and gradually created a better existence within my life.

Life is about feeling. Feeling the moment in your life. Participating within your depth of self. Learning about your inner world.

Part of my inner development is to ride down to my local on Saturday night.

And from the bistro balcony, I look out and think about life. Experiencing diversity in your life is an important contributor to your Self-Development and Awareness.

Join me while we ride down to my local on Saturday night. Experience the sunset, the scenery. Listen to the music.

On arrival I take a moment to view my surroundings and be part of nature’s wonder.

I purchase a beer and peruse the scenery of nature before me. A time to reflect on life. To develop an understanding of Self. A time to peruse in one’s mind what life really is, and develop a future Self that is harmonious with Ones-Self. Join me. Contemplate aspects of your life, relax with Nature. Stop.and.Think. Consider your change, With your creativity of thought, in these peaceful surroundings.

Life is Not About Seeking Pleasure.

The purpose of life is to be mindfully creative in your life. Enabling you to create a better life for yourself; and create a life with meaning; and to find your meaning of self.

This develops fulfillment and leads to personal contentment

You then gain a better understanding about yourself. You find your personal peace.

Stop and Think on a regular basis.

Be still.

Be aware of your thoughts and your body and come alive within Yourself

A course of study of how the brain, mind and body communicate is very important. This builds an inner revelation about yourself.

You will avoid a life of Mundane Mediocrity, where you will fall short of understanding Your-Self.

Gain the Knowledge that your Primitive Emotional Brain is detrimental to your mental and physical health.

Develop and Access your Deep Frontal Intelligence. Your life will be more effective and worthwhile.

Study and Develop the Knowledge of Mindfulness and Awareness. They will become your Friend and Develop Personal Positive Attributes within yourself.

It takes time. But it you want to find contentment within, the information in this video is your impetus for change.

I wish you well in your development. Remember, it takes focus, practice and an intent and creativity within, to create your peaceful life. You have this innate ability within yourself. You just have to access this knowledge and implement it.

Just like I did.

This Video will not be Understood unless Viewed
from Start to the Finish

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(c) Mitchell Zen